Anna Teixidor speaks about sexual exploitation in La Jonquera
Friday, 24 January 2025 , Olot

Anna Teixidor speaks about sexual exploitation in La Jonquera
This Thursday, 3Cat journalist and Faberllull resident Anna Teixidor gave a speech on the walls of silence on the border of exploitation: women, poverty and control. In this activity, organised jointly with Alba (La Garrotxa women’s association), Teixidor gave a snapshot of sexual exploitation along the border over the past twenty years through true stories. The women exploited, often poor foreigners who don’t speak the local language, are extremely vulnerable and, as a result, treated as objects.
Teixidor has been researching this topic for years. She is currently at Faberllull writing her next book based on that research. It is set on New Year’s Eve 2012, when two men in hoods armed with automatic weapons parked a vehicle outside the Paradise club in La Jonquera and warned of a bomb inside it. The car contained two butane tanks with TNT explosives, but the detonator failed.
This episode demonstrates the influence of organised crime on the La Jonquera border crossing. For years, this crossing has become a “prostitution fun park” on an industrial scale.
Anna Teixidor Colomer (Figueres) is a 3Cat journalist with a degree in Humanities and Journalism and a PhD in Social Communication (UPF). In recent years, she has focused on the jihadist movement and the attacks in August 2017. She has written several books based on her journalistic research: Combatents en nom d’Al·là (Ara, 2016), Sense por de morir (Pòrtic, 2020). The Netflix documentary series 800 metros was based on the latter and she was head of research for the production.