Estades temàtiques / TRADUCTORS / Olot


Del 9 de març de 2020 al 15 de març de 2020

Literary translator, PhD student and teacher


Gabriella Zombory was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but for the last two decades she has been living in Budapest, Hungary. She is a literary translator, a language teacher and a PhD student in Hispanic Philolgy at the Eötvös Loránd University. She is forseen to defend her thesis in early 2020. Being basically bilingual, Gabriella translates from both Spanish to Hungarian, and Hungarian to Spanish, mainly theatre, but short stories and novels as well. From Catalan she translated short stories from Pere Calders.

In the last five years she has been working on different projects aimed to propagate Spain’s contemporary theatre in Hungary, publishing translationes, inviting authors and organizing a series of events with workshops, round table talks, conferences and plays.


I will be working together with Dóra Bakucz, Balázs Déri and Krisztina Nemes on the translation of contemporary Catalan texts. The idea is to put together a panorama of Catalonia through its literature, drama, social science essays and poetry. Each of us will dedicate him/herself to 1-2-3 texts, and we publish the result in a brand new literary review PIM that is ready to dedicate a whole supplement to the topic of Catalonia.

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