Collective residencies / Weaving a web is akin to embroidering a cosmos / Olot
From Monday, 26 May 2025 to Friday, 30 May 2025
Born in Medellin (Colombia), Tau Luna Acosta is an artist, mediator, curator and researcher. She has a degree in Art History, Sound Art and Cultural Studies with a queer and feminist focus. She has been a fellow of the PEI (MACBA) and WHW Akademija. Tau Luna Acosta has designed mediation programmes for institutions such as the Miró Foundation and the CCCB, and participates in collective mediation initiatives at the Barcelona Lumbre pro-migrant group and at Casa Pagarina.
Co-founder of the Academy of Electronic Arts of Bogotá, she has taken part in exhibitions and residencies across Latin America and Europe. She currently resides in La Escocesa and engages in Selvagem, a cycle of studies on life led by Ailton Krenak. Her work has featured in collections in Santiago de Chile and Bogotá.
Tau Luna Acosta's practices investigate human migration as an event linked to colonial violence, as well as listening and shared memory with migrant beings more than humans through the intersection between ancestral, scientific and intuitive technologies.
Through her practice, she explores textiles as a craft of minimal gestures of resistance that embodies slowness, collectivity and active listening. Through traditional and contemporary techniques, she uses weaving and embroidery as a means to narrate collective memories and visualise data, facts and genealogies linked to territorial and collective processes. She also employs them as an excuse to produce meeting and collective-learning spaces.