Collective residencies / Serielizados Kick / Olot


From Monday, 13 November 2023 to Monday, 20 November 2023

Writer and director


Graduated from ESCAC (Barcelona, Spain) with a Bachelor's Filmmaking degree in 2019. Has written and directed the short film “A SPOT IN THE WORLD” (GXXD TIME, LastCrit, Shoji Films). Writer of the feature film “OVELLA” (ESCAC Films). Writer of the TV Show "SELFTAPE”, created by Joana and Mireia Vilapuig (Filmax, Filmin, TVE). Has directed diverse music videos and the mid-length visual album "I ALWAYS CRY FOR YOU LIKE PINK HONEY RAIN" (GXXD TIME Films) for The Bird Yellow. Has directed audiovisuals for theatre for the pieces "HARDCORE PROPAGANDA", released in Barcelona and Berlin (Sala Beckett/Volksbühne), and "Festival Important" (ELS MALNASCUTS Collective). Besides his work as a screenwriter, he works as Screenwriting Lecturer at ESCAC University in its international program "One Year Filmmaking", and as a filmmaker and producer at the audiovisual collective GXXD Time Films.


I’ll be at Residència Faber Llull developing a TV Show project selected at the Serielizados Kick lab.

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