Collective residencies / Researching war and theatre in the current scene / Olot
From Monday, 16 October 2023 to Monday, 23 October 2023

Irene Salza is a PhD Reasearcher in Theatre Studies at the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona. After a Master's Degree in Social and Community Theatre at the University of Turin in 2007 she became professionally involved in social theatre as an artist, trainer and author of theatre and community development projects. She currently deals with drama, direction of shows, management of workshops and production of artistic installations in Italy and abroad, working with Ngo, Universities, Associations, municipalities. She has contributed in social theatre projects in Palestine, Albania, Bosnia and Malta. She has launched several projects on various themes, such as gender, interculturalism, health, equal opportunities, active citizenship among others. Over the past few years, she has thoroughly analysed the work of participatory installations, which she introduces as integral artistic actions in her theatre projects.
We will discuss how 21st century theatre reflects contemporary wars and how it can help us to better understand the world today.