Collective residencies / Educational programming and robotics VI / Olot
From Thursday, 4 May 2023 to Thursday, 11 May 2023

He is a Technical Engineer in industrial electronics from the UdG. Since 1987 he has been teaching as a Vocational Training teacher, working from 1988 to 2015 at INS LA Garrotxa in the area of robotics and automation. From 2015 to 2019 he has worked in the General Sub-Directorate for Educational Innovation of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and from 2019 to the present he has worked in the Center for Specific Pedagogical Resources to Support Innovation and Development. Educational Research of the same Department.
He has been a collaborator of the Institut Obert de Catalunya, where he created the specific materials for the home automation module. He has been part of the team that developed the curriculum in Catalonia of the CFGS of Robotics and Industrial Automation. Since 2001 he has been the organizer of Robolot and has organized, together with the entity he chairs, Robolot Team, 19 editions.
He has been a teacher trainer in Didactic Robotics for more than 15 years. He collaborates very frequently with the ICE UdG, ICE UPC, ICE UdL and ICE UrV, teacher training organizations. He has participated in several ICE UPC working groups on competencies in the family of electricity and the production of materials on industrial control technology, among others.
We will meet in Faberllull Olot a passionate group of teachers, designers and creators of educational tools from around the world to promote these creative learnings in educational programming and robotics. Many of us already share projects during the year, from distant locations, enjoying the technologies that allow us to work remotely and asynchronously, but the personal and intensive meeting that Faberllull Olot offers us is an invaluable gift.