Collective residencies / Young Catalan and Palestinian Playwrights / Olot


From Thursday, 13 April 2023 to Thursday, 20 April 2023

Actress and playwright
Mallorca and Barcelona


Catalina Florit is an actress and playwright graduated from Institut del Teatre, Barcelona.

She completes her formation in Berlin with the company Theatre Fragile, where starts her interest in research Theatre.

She is the artistic director together with Jaume Madaula of the company Aflel Teatre, in which she has played and written the next plays: Monstres, Dones de Palla, Batec, and Retrat(s).

She is the playwright of the project Anonymous Heroes, about identity and Street Art together with the artist Joan Aguiló, that has been touring in Lübeck, Moisling, refugee camp Borj el Barajneh ( Beirut), Anantapur ( NGO Vicenç Ferrer), S'Arracó, Leipzig, Festival Vilart, and with Teatre Lliure ( Hammana Artist House Lebanon/ Gipsy community from Gràcia).

Since 2013 is teacher and director in the oficial Theatre school from Palma.

She is the coordinator and creator of the cycle “al cel mos vegem tots plegats”, since 2015, in Teatre Maldà.

She coordinates also the dramaturgy residences in Espai el Tub ( Mallorca) since 2020, together with Teatre Principal.

She collaborates usually with actor Toni Gomila and his company Produccions de Ferro, in shows like Peccatum, I de Filippo, Rostoll Cremat or Aquell Carrer. She has worked also with directors as Andrés Lima, Oriol Broggi, Ferran Utzet, Paco Azorín, Carlota Subirós, Pep Tosar, or Rafel Duran, among others.

She has directed the plays Dones de palla, Alenar, Jutipiris, Retrat(s) and Nomeolvides.


Com canvia la vida d'una dona quan es converteix en mare?

El projecte aquí presentat vol parlar de la maternitat i posar especial atenció en la dona: les preocupacions, les responsabilitats, el plaer, l'entorn social...

Com a dona, estàs portant una vida al món, però la teva vida també és una vida nova, tot està canviant. Ara ets mare.

L'obra vol analitzar aquesta transformació física i psicològica, i com afecta de tantes maneres diferents.

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