Collective residencies / ROBOTICS / Olot


From Monday, 7 May 2018 to Sunday, 13 May 2018

Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)


Joan Guillén (1975, Barcelona) has worked as a tech teacher in secondary school since 1999. Nowadays he is working in innovation and teacher training for the Education Department of Catalonia.

For years he has been involved in the development of educational telematic environments (Intranet project, Zikula CMS, Moodle LMS) and since 2016 he is part of the Snap4Arduino team, focusing this dedication in Computer Science teaching, programming and robotics. He is a Snap4Arduino developer and a Snap! active collaborator.

Snap! is a visual, drag-and-drop programming language, an extended reimplementation of Scratch, with first class objects, suitable for a serious introduction to computer science for high school and college students.

Snap4Arduino is a Snap! implementation, adding a web server and a management of Arduino boards features, that allow you to address all kinds of Computer Science projects and so, a perfect tool to teach CS and all its branches: algorithms and programming, robotics and electronics, IoT, bigdata, simulations…


This Faber stage is a great opportunity for very interesting and useful work and also a meeting of Snap4Arduino and Microblocks teams, so their worksheet is extensive. Our main goals are:

 – To adapt and document the connection of Snap! (and so, of the computer) with the majority of current devices (Arduinos, ESPs, Picaxes, Legos…) and especially with the 32 bit microcontroller boards that are used by Microblocks (nodeMCU, Arduinos M0, Raspberry Pi Zero W, micro:bit…)

 – To document custom libraries to allow a quick introduction at school to many CS subjects: IoT, bigdata, video motion, I2C devices…

 – To design a roadmap for the evolution of Snap! and Snap4Arduino projects with the new appearance de Microblocks.

Robolot and its training activity for teachers on Saturday May 12 will be an important event to make diffusion and share experiences with the educative community.

 – Dissenyar un full de ruta per a l’evolució dels projectes d’Snap! i Snap4Arduino amb la nova aparició de Microblocks.

Robolot i la seva Jornada d’Intercanvi d’Experiències per al professorat del dissabte 12 de maig serà un esdeveniment important per fer difusió del treball realitzat i compartir experiències amb la comunitat educativa.

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