Collective residencies / ROBOTICS II / Olot
From Monday, 6 May 2019 to Monday, 13 May 2019

Cristina Barriuso is an Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia with both specialties Design and Organization. She has mainly worked in design, organization and coordination of innovation and change projects. Feminist, citizen agency and technology democratization activist, she has been organizer and teacher in several local and international trainings, including Erasmus + projects, in social entities.
Her passion for popularizing technology led her to study the master’s degree in Teacher Training. She firmly believes that learning of technology and art fosters creativity, critical and open mind, and that, using it properly, can be a good tool for personal growth, empowerment and social cohesion.
She is currently involved in the Edulab project, at Citilab, taking part in the design of an educational robot and the technological training process for primary school teachers and pupils.
During my stay at Faber I will keep working in utilities and activities design concerning the robot we created at Citilab, in order to increase its educational possibilities.
For this purpose, I value the opportunity to exchange views with different teachers and to collaborate with the designers of the microBlocks programming environment, with which the robot’s printed circuit board is programmed.