Collective residencies / LINGUISTIC RIGHTS / Olot
From Tuesday, 3 November 2020 to Thursday, 12 November 2020

With background in philology and literature, education and international relations, Mariona is currently responsible for the application of Catalan language policies in the region of Lleida (Generalitat de Catalunya) as well as dealing with. Through her years volunteering and working abroad, in Italy and in Belgium, her path led her to focusing on how to ensure that the minority languages -especially in Europe- thrive. She has worked as an editorial assistant at Papiros Editziones, the only publishing house which publishes entirely in Sardinian (Nuoro, Italy). As a translator, she has specialised in Occitan Aranese. In the Occitan Valleys of Piemonte, while travelling in 2018 she met the Chambra d'Òc, organisers of the Ostana Prize (Premio Ostana). The collaboration with them, which has grown strong through the past two years, has led to her actual role as the International Mission's representative of this organisation. She has also worked as a an EU policy officer in the Barcelona Provincial Council's Delegation in Brussels. Mariona's work higlights the importance of working both locally and internationally in order to increase the visibility of minority language communities and their claims with one single voice.
The project we will tackle at Faberllull is collaborative one, and will need dynamic interaction within the residency’s participants: through interviews, workshops and applied research, we will explore how a linguistic rights’ viewpoint shall be incorporated into the narrative of linguistic biodiversity, ecology and linguistic sustainability; also in connection with social networks, new audiences and new speakers of minority languages. The members of the Chambra d’Òc who will take part in Faberllull come from very different backgrounds, and we will frame our reflections from a philological, anthropological, musical and audiovisual point of view. To integrate these disciplines, theory can be insufficient, and for this reason we will propose the debate on linguistic rights in the field of creation, and foster the exchange between creators in situ when possible. Finally, it is essential for our project to continue expanding the network of the Ostana Prize: we will focus on adding value to the international community we have set up to work on linguistic biodiversity.
This residency has been my best experience so far in the field of languages.
The climate of comfort and beautiful landscape provided by the Faberllull location, hotel and the kindness and confidence of the staff was key to my experience. In Olot I could really focus on my work and get productive in a calm environment.
Being able to interact with a team of residents that talk your same language -in terms of shared vocabulary in the same field of study- and being able to go deep in the fields of expertise of all the experts was a privilege to witness. Each of them is so unique! It shows the care that Pepa and Gavina put in selecting the profiles so that the synergy is created.
This year Covid-19 did not allow the whole group to come, but nevertheless the online residency, the online interactions were really well planned, and definitely very useful. I would say that personally, what I carry with me from Faberllull is the inspiration: the spark that other residents lit in me through their presentations. This will certainly have an impact on my future work
I am really grateful for the experience and I recommend to anyone that needs some focus and a warm environment to carry their work around to come to Faberllull. Don’t stop giving space for beautiful projects to germinate and grow!