Collective residencies / Polluting Drama / Olot


From Monday, 14 November 2022 to Sunday, 20 November 2022

Playwright, writer, translator and teacher of dramatic writing


Albert Tola is a playwright, writer, translator and teacher of dramatic writing. Graduated in Dramaturgy from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, ​​he completed his training at the University of the Arts in Berlin (UDK) and at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona, ​​with José Sanchis Sinisterra, Abilio Estévez and Rosa-Victòria Gras. As a theater author he has published (Edicions de Teatro del Astillero, Primer Acto, ADE Teatro, Institut del Teatre Edicions) and has premiered or is in the process of premiering in cities and countries such as Barcelona and Madrid, Chile, Mexico, Ecuador , Turkey, Greece, Germany, Morocco, France and Colombia several of the works he has written. Some of his plays have been translated into English, French, German, Greek, Arabic, Chinese and Turkish. As a poet, he made his debut as part of the Barcelona Poetry Festival 2018. Since 2005, he has taught classes, workshops and writing tutorials for theater and cinema, and coordinates collective dramaturgical research laboratories (Festival Grec, Iberescena, Sala Beckett, Nuevo Teatro Fronterizo, Teatre Tantarantana, La Maldita Vanidad, Umbral de Primavera, SGAE, C.E.C.C, Bande à part, Mario Saban School of Psychology and Kabbalah, Espai Philae). Linked to the Goethe Institut, the Nuevo Teatro Fronterizo and the Sala Beckett, since 2010 he has developed his other vocation: translating dramaturgy workshops and theatrical texts from German. As a translator, his work with the author Roland Schimmelpfennig stands out. In 2012, together with the actor and director Rodrigo García Olza, he founded the NIGREDO company, which has been active in dramaturgy, production and teaching since its foundation.


I will coordinate with RodrigoGarcíaOlza the contaminating writing workshop that will seek to link and break literary bubbles between the south of France, Barcelona, ​​Mallorca and Valencia. This workshop is the fourth international polluting workshop that we teach within the international program of the Tantarantana Theatre. The previous workshops were with Latin America and with this workshop we start a cycle of workshops around the problems of the Mediterranean. We will seek to break the solipsism of writing through our kleptomaniac methodology, in order to provide authors with other views and theatricality, as well as new dramaturgical tools, but not from theory but from osmosis . With this we seek to jointly explore which problems in its history and contemporaneity harbor the Mediterranean collective unconscious through a common thread: what cannot be said from side to side of the Mediterranean.

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