School tour of Col·legi Sant Ermengol, Ange Fitzgerald
Friday, 23 September 2022 , Andorra
School tour of Col·legi Sant Ermengol, Ange Fitzgerald
There is nothing that makes me happier than visiting a school: vibrant energy, passionate teachers, smiling students. My visit to Col·legi Sant Ermengol on Friday 23rd September was no different and certainly was no disappointment. The Director of the school alongside the Heads of English in the primary and secondary schools were my warm and collegial hosts over the hour-long visit. Col·legi Sant Ermengol is a Catholic school for Andorran students from start of kindergarten through to the end of high school that is positioned within the Spanish education system. In many ways, schools around the world are very similar, which is both reassuring and heartening. The challenges that we all encountered during the global pandemic in our own ways was also a unifying experience. The key differences between the Australian and Andorran education systems are largely structural, such as the hours of instruction and the rhythms of the school year. Despite half a world between us, there is more that binds us together in seeking out quality learning and teaching than sets us apart.